This magical Christmas Bouquet will bring festive colour and warmth to any location, whether that be a centrepiece for the Christmas dinner table or simply on a sideboard to stand out on its own. The vibrant Red Asiatic lilies will be sure to attract attention and make a statement in your Christmas decor, we also include golden baubles within this bouquet to create a luxury contrast of colours as well as to add that extra festive feel. This beautiful bunch of Asiatic lilies arrives already pre arrange by one of our trusted florists and is framed by our favourite choice of fresh foliage to create a stunning floral arrangement that will compliment your decor this Christmas season.
This Bouquet Consists of:
* Red Asiatic lilies
* Gold Christmas decoration picks
* Fresh seasonal foliage
Flower Meanings:
Red Asiatic lilies don’t have their own meaning but Red lilies in general are known as a way to express your passion for someone without having to say a word, it’s a great to surprise them for when you want to show them how much you love and care for them. Another way that red lilies are used is when you want to make a statement of your romantic commitment towards your significant other, whether that be a life long partner you want to express your everlasting love for or perhaps a new relationship where your wanting a way to show them your devotion.
Recommended for:
This is a lovely Christmas gift in a traditional colour palette of red, gold and green. A little bit of nurture to look after their flowers will be worth it, knowing how beautiful the end result is going to be, because we send out these flowers by post in bud so that either yourself or the recipient are getting the most out of these festive florals. Perhaps you’re searching for a stunning arrangement that will bloom just in time for Christmas, we’d recommend buying this selection a week before the big day just to make sure they’re in full bloom in time for Christmas celebration.