24 reviews for Asiatic Lily Bouquet
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Incredible flowers at a great price, this Asiatic Lily Bouquet contains a wide array of beautiful coloured lilies that have been carefully considered to make sure each colour compliments the other.
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A medley of colourful Asiatic Lily’s all beautifully presented in a hand tied floral arrangement so that each colour perfectly compliments each other.
A traditional arrangement for those moments where you’re looking for a gift bouquet that’ll keep it nice and simple as well as in great condition. If you’re wanting a floral arrangement that’s going to last then an Asiatic Lily Bouquet is a wonderful option because these flowers by post are sent in bud and with Next Day Delivery available on your chosen date the appreciation of these fresh flowers will last beyond the day there are delivered..
* Solidaster
* Red Asiatic Lily’s
* Orange Asiatic Lily’s
* Yellow Asiatic Lily’s
* Pink Asiatic Lily’s
Flower Meanings:
Red Lily’s can symbolize romantic love and passion, so if you’re wanting to send something to express that you’re romantically committed and devoted then this floral arrangement includes the flower your looking for.
Orange Lily’s symbolize confidence and honour as well as passion and satisfaction in life. Pink Lily’s stand for love, femininity and admiration and lastly Yellow Lily’s express a message of remembrance and happiness.
Recommended for:
This floral arrangement is ideal for when you’re wanting to put a smile on someone’s face with something sweet and simple that is sure to delight any lucky recipient.
In particular this flower delivery is a fresh lily bouquet gift that is perfect for your other half or that romantic someone in your life that you’re wanting to take the next steps with and need something pretty to give to them with the wonderful speech you’ve got planned.
Or instead if you’re wanting to remind someone how happy you are with them all the time and express to them how much you’re appreciation for them goes because they are your everlasting lover then these flowers by post are a beautiful floral design to consider sending them as a surprise.
Weight | 2 kg |
Dimensions | 32 × 29 × 49 cm |
Size | Premium, Standard |
Thanks Homeland Florists!
Will definitely be back for more!
We have used Homeland for years and they are always consistently excellent. Thank you.
Thank you again homelands, you never disappoint. Two weeks old and they are blooming.